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Graduate Degree Programs

Graduate Program Director: Todd Przybycien
Student Services Administrator: Marylouise Dowd

The Chemical and Biological Engineering Department offers the Master of Science, the Master of Engineering, and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees, each of which is tailored to fulfill the varying educational needs of its graduate students. All graduate programs offer flexibility. Students are advised to plan programs that use course choices and electives to obtain in-depth studies in one or more subspecialties of their degree majors. Cross-disciplinary studies using courses offered by other departments or schools at Rensselaer are encouraged.


Within the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, 72 credits of graduate-level studies, including the dissertation, are required for a Ph.D. The emphasis is on advanced study in a specialty with major focus on the dissertation.
The Chemical and Biological Engineering Department offers two different routes for Master degrees: (1) The Master of Science (M.S.) is a Master’s degree that requires a thesis and (2) the Master of Engineering (M.Eng) is a coursework-only Master’s.